#76 Progression Session - 31/12/11

Mixed by Yohan Esprada

Modérateurs: Team, Modérateurs P1 Deeper

#76 Progression Session - 31/12/11

Messagepar Yohan Esprada le Mer 04 Jan, 2012 11:30


Playlist :

Anette party - Moreno feat anita coke (original mix)
Vincenzo and Talking props - Seduction (jimpster remix)
Kruse and Nuernberg - Lights down (original mix)
Daniel Dexter - The other day (original mix)
Chris Lattner and Enzo Siragusa - Out of bed (original mix)
9west - Moments (original mix)
Patlac - Visible light (original mix)
James what - In the dark (original mix)
Steve bug and cle - Shadows (original mix)
Show B - Time comes (dub)
Leif - Almost invisble (original mix)
Bermuda - Ihasama (jay shepheard remix)
Johnwaynes - Never enough feat stee downes (jw raw mix)
Kasper bjorke - Symptoms (mano le tough remix)
Alessio mereu - Revived (original mix)
Slideshow park - Shining (phonique remix)
Rockford - Please stay (who is 121 mix)


podcast on : http://www.yohanesprada.com/?page=podcast&ps=76


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Yohan Esprada
Messages: 216
Inscrit le: Mar 11 Mars, 2008 19:01

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