#70 Progression Session - 16/09/2011

Mixed by Yohan Esprada

Modérateurs: Team, Modérateurs P1 Deeper

#70 Progression Session - 16/09/2011

Messagepar Yohan Esprada le Jeu 22 Sep, 2011 10:42


Playlist :

Stephen J. Kroos - Reasonable Gatekeeper (Original Mix)
Lewis Lastella - Sunset (Lewis Lastella Rework 2011)
Sunner Soul/Sergey Silvertone/Lenya Goo - Latin Under (Original mix)
Ezlv - Nothing To Justify (Erdal Mauff Remix)
J. Phlip feat. Lailah Reich - Fever (Original Mix)
Felipe L & Ze Chezz - Look Up (Dubman F Remix)
Craquetone - Timeline - (Sensoreal Remix)
Samson Lewis - White Label
Laura Jones - Love In Me (Original Mix)
Tuccillo - Password (Original Mix)
Brawther - Do It Yourself (Alternative Mix)
The Messenger - Wishful Thinking (Original Mix)
HouseRiders - Night Fall (Original Mix)


podcast on : http://www.yohanesprada.com/?page=podcast&ps=70


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Yohan Esprada
Messages: 209
Inscrit le: Mar 11 Mars, 2008 19:01

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