#71 Progression Session - 29/09/2011

Mixed by Yohan Esprada

Modérateurs: Team, Modérateurs P1 Deeper

#71 Progression Session - 29/09/2011

Messagepar Yohan Esprada le Dim 02 Oct, 2011 10:13


Playlist :

Maxim Romashov - Soli (Moti Brothers Remix)
Giom - In Love (Pete Dafeet remix)
Adam Port - Weekend (Dub Mix)
QMUSSE - Jazz Is Everything (Original Mix)
Marcus Gehring - Can't Give Up (Original Mix)
4Th Measure Man - 4 You (Maya Jane Coles Remix)
Deetron - Starblazer (Original Mix)
Darius Syrossian - I Am The Creator Of Jack (Original Mix)
Matt Tolfrey - Whos The Freak (Original Mix)
Marco Poggioli & Matteo Gariselli - Colore (Remerc Remix)
Oliver S - Doin' Ya Thang
Waifs & Strays - Yeah Yeah (Original Mix)
Deetron - The Juggler (Original Mix)


podcast on : http://www.yohanesprada.com/?page=podcast&ps=71


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Yohan Esprada
Messages: 209
Inscrit le: Mar 11 Mars, 2008 19:01

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