Playlist - K_otihc Universe 30

Modérateurs: Chito, Team, Modérateurs P1 Reverse

Playlist - K_otihc Universe 30

Messagepar Chito le Sam 24 Déc, 2011 9:33


00:00,0 | 01 : 2000 Eyes (Original Mix) - PhonoKemi
01:14,9 | 02 : Connection (Digital Exclusive Track) - Kris Wadsworth
02:11,2 | 03 : Wind (Original Mix) - Tele Vizion
06:37,4 | 04 : Into The Box (Original Mix) - Alex Kennon
09:37,5 | 05 : Mr. Orange - Leenn'y
12:24,3 | 06 : Rio Bravo_B1_33_12+ - Anja Schneider
14:54,3 | 07 : Hello Boy! - Anja Schneider
18:46,8 | 08 : The Assembly (Jeff Sharel Making Sense Remix) - Portfolio
21:16,8 | 09 : Juno Song - Ashley Albritton
24:52,5 | 10 : Chateau Jalousie (Original Mix) - Carsten Jost
28:24,3 | 11 : Sauvignon - DeWalta
30:50,6 | 12 : Nepean Island - Ezlv
33:05,6 | 13 : Det Sound (KW's Move Dat Ass Remix) - Kris Wadsworth
35:50,6 | 14 : Boys - Slok
40:18,7 | 15 : House (Boris Brejcha Remix) - Slok
43:52,4 | 16 : Spectrum (Original Mix) - Renton
48:52,5 | 17 : Lankow (Dubit Remix) - Coeter One
50:08,4 | 18 : Orbital (Original Mix) - Alexander Fog
51:52,4 | 19 : Direct Connect (Original Mix) - Dunny
54:59,9 | 20 : Detention - Emanuele Pertoldi
58:28,1 | 21 : 2 Times (Original Mix) - Gabriel Marchisio and Pablo Ros
60:59,9 | 22 : Continuous Sound (Original Mix) / Overtone - Traumar Res. / Kramnik
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